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Preferred library: Burns Lake Public Library? Results 1 - 7 of 7 (page 1 of 1)
Larklight : or, The revenge of the white spiders!, or, To Saturn's rings and back : a rousing tale of dauntless pluck in the farthest reaches of space / as chonicl'd by Art Mumby, with the aid of Philip Reeve ; and decorated throughout by David Wyatt.
Larklight : or The revenge of the white spiders! or To Saturn's rings and back! A rousing tale of dauntless pluck in the farthest reaches of space / as chonicl'd by Art Mumby, with the aid of Philip Reeve ; and decorated throughout by David Wyatt.
Mothstorm; or, Georgium Sidus : the horror from beyond Uranus! or, a tale of two shapers / as told by Art Mumby, Esq. (with the usual interpolations by Miss Myrtle Mumby) to Mr Philip Reeve (purveyor of scientific romances to the discerning gentry) & illuminated throughout by Mr David Wyatt ('the Devonshire DaVinci').
Mothstorm, or, the horror from beyond Georgium Sidus!, or, a tale of two shapers : a rattling yarn of danger, dastardly and derring-do upon the far frontiers of British space! / Philip Reeve ; illuminated throughout by David Wyatt.
Mothstorm [electronic resource] : the horror from beyond Georgium Sidus! / Philip Reeve.

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